Orchid Garden
There are more than 1,400 types of wild orchids growing throughout the rainforests of Costa Rica, and 500 of these can be found in Monteverde alone. Incredibly, the Monteverde Orchid Garden houses 426 different species, spread across a neatly labeled and aesthetically pleasing outdoor garden. A trip here will educate visitors on the characteristics, growing environment and threats that orchids currently face.

8:00 AM to 5:00 PMThe garden is divided into three sections. The first section depicts the country’s miniature orchids, including the smallest known orchid species in the world, the Platystele jungermannioids. Continuing on, the second section houses the larger orchid species, many of which are quite common in Costa Rica. These include the Onciduim, Encyclea, Epidendrum and Maxillaria, among others. Such species are generally found in the transitional area between humid and tropical humid forests. The third and final section is filled with hybrid species. These genres of orchids are created in a lab through cross-pollination, and can help visitors to understand the important differences between naturally occurring and scientifically grown orchids.
Guides accompany visitors as they stroll through the garden. Information regarding where the orchids are collected, how they are grown, and why they are unique will be imparted during this tour. All visitors are equipped with a magnifying glass, and will be provided with tips on how to raise their own orchids at home. The garden’s wide, cemented trails allow for easy browsing and can be navigated by wheelchairs. Most tours last between 30 minutes and an hour, and can be held in both English and Spanish.
The Monteverde Orchid Garden is located in the village of Santa Elena, and is open from 8:00 AM until 5:00 PM. The entrance fee is $10 for adults and $7 for students.
For reservations, email info@monteverdeorchidgarden.net or call (506) 2645-5308.